aleks Gorbenko

aleks Gorbenko

{a_G} | Meditations on Strategy and Tech


Hello, Friend!

My name is Aleks and I am a Software Engineer. I’m 28, from Latvia, residing in London, UK. (Beer’s great here, weather - no so much, but you will get used to it if you come around).

In March 2016 I have quit my full-time job as an SEO and dedicated myself to learning how to code and most importantly, how to think like a programmer. In April 2016 I have enrolled in the online coding bootcamp - The Firehose Project, which I have completed at the end of August.

I have blogged about my progress and things that I have learned on the course and outside of it every week. Feel free to follow along my journey starting at Week 1.

I have also built a portfolio website where you can see most of the projects that I have built.

As my bootcamp journey came to an end, the new and challenging one is ahead of me - the job hunt. Right now, I am in the active stage of looking for Junior Developer positions in London. If you happen to recruit Junior and know somebody who does - please get in touch.

May the Force be with you,
